SLIM Nutrition Coaching

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Sink or Swim? September is here

Still floundering in the stress of back-to-school? September can be a stressful time for a lot of people: parents, teachers, students, commuters, and the list goes on. Regardless of whether we are ready or not, we’ve been forced back into following someone else’s schedule. We’ve all heard that stress has negative impacts on our health; increasing cortisol levels, disrupting our digestive system, impeding sleep, which can make us “moody.” In turn, stress affects our life we have a hard time prioritizing and our crabby mood can affect our personal and professional relationships.

For all these reasons I want to give you some strategies on how to manage this busy time of year. Avoiding the plague of stress will require planning and organization.

Healthy Diet

Buy healthy food.

"If your fridge is stocked with healthy food you are more likely to eat it." -unknown

  1. Store lean proteins like canned beans or frozen chicken in case you’re in a pinch and can’t get out to the store.

  2. Order a produce box or all your groceries online to avoid the temptations of your standard grocery store.

  3. Take 15 minutes when you get home to cut up your veggies and fruit so they’re ready to go if you’re in a rush.

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We are creatures of habit and our habits play a huge role in our health. We’ve all got good and bad habits but how are we going to make the shift to more positive habits than negative ones?

  1. Make yourself a schedule and stick to it. Could be as simple as marking on your calendar.

  2. Track your progress. I love my Fitbit for this; it really helps me differentiate between being mentally and physically tired. Check out the link below for free shipping! If you’d like to drink 2 litres of water per, give yourself a gold star when you make it!

  3. Choose something manageable and build on it. If you’ve never been to a gym or eaten a vegetable I wouldn’t recommend setting a daily goal, instead start with weekly or every other day until that’s a habit.

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Photo by STIL on Unsplash


I’m learning as an entrepreneur that there is so much to learn out there and I struggle to find time for implementation. I don’t want that to happen to you so I’m going to leave you here with a few ideas. Now, let’s put the healthy diet tips into your new routine! I’d love to know what are you going to work on first?

As always,


Your Coach


*This post includes affiliate links where I could make a small commission. Thank you for your support!

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